Entries by Team EVO

Special Holiday Weekend Class Schedule

We will be open this weekend but limited class times. Friday 5/25 will be open normal hours 5pm and 6pm class. Saturday 5/26, ONE class 10am.  TEAM WOD Monday Memorial Day 5/28, ONE class 6pm.  SPECIAL WOD. We will remind you all today in class.  We will send out an email.  If you know anyone […]

We are close to signing a deal, barring any major setbacks.

We are closing in on a 3 year, potentially 5 year deal for a spot in Chatsworth.  Hopefully we finalize this in the next few days.  We and others have looked over the pages and pages of the lease making sure all of our bases are covered.  There are a few minor things that we […]

Google has finally done it. Blogger App on iOS.

Google has finally answered a wish we have been hoping for since the beginning of the year. They have officially released a blogger app for iOS today. This message was written on an iPhone while waiting for lunch and it’s great. How does this help us? This little app allows us to update the news […]

2011 SuperShow Wrap Up.

Las Vegas – the city hosting the 10 year anniversary of the MAIA SuperShow.  For those of you who don’t know the SuperShow is an annual event hosted by MAIA (Martial Arts Industry Association) where school owners from all over the world come to learn and network with other owners.  For others this is a […]

Mr. Jason attends Tom Callos Seminar at TKC

Sunday July 17th 2011, Tom Callos held a seminar at Team Karate Centers.  The seminar covered topics such as ingenious marketing, intelligent curriculum design, and the “new role” of the master teacher.  It was a lot of very good helpful information packed into one single day. Here is a quick bio of Tom Callos.  Tom […]

What “Circle” are you going to belong to?

We always try to stay up to date with the latest and greatest in new technologies, which is sometimes really difficult knowing how fast things change.  We have mentioned in a previous news article about our Evo website and what our goals for the site are.  What was not mentioned was that Google and all the […]

Tell us what you think. Potential Hoodie and T-Shirt design.

So we got lot of positive feedback from our fans on Facebook that they would be interested in purchasing and wearing some of the original Evolution Martial Arts Academy clothing to support us.  We got a lot of responses for hoodies, so this could be a potential hoodie design.  Evolution Crest logo on the front […]

Microsoft IE 9 has caused a bit of problem for our site. Not Cool.

The beta version of our site has been working fine up until last night when Microsoft released Internet Explorer 9 to the general public.  Everything was working great on IE8, Firefox, Chrome, and Safari, the big four internet browsers.  Because each browser operates a bit differently our code has been modified so all four would […]

Mr. Jason attends Dave Kovar’s Instructor Seminar held at TKC.

March 6th, 2011 Dave Kovar made a stop in Southern California to hold one his Martial Arts Instructor Boot-camp seminar.  More than fifty school owners and instructors attended this seminar held at Team Karate Centers in Woodland Hills.  This seminar was for senior and beginner instructors helping them become even better and more effective martial […]